Hi everyone! Sorry I'm late posting this week, but we have had a very busy week! Last week, Emma started coughing & sneezing. Then on Thursday, she woke up from her morning nap with a 101.6* fever! She had also started messing with her ears. We were able to get in to see the nurse practitioner at our doctor's office at 3 o'clock on Thursday afternoon, and she diagnosed Emma with an upper respiratory virus that turned into an infection (or something like that). At that time her ears looked fine though. So she sent us home & said to just give her Tylenol.
Emma & Minnie Mouse playing on her play mat.
Emma has started pushing up onto her knees! Hopefully she will start crawling soon :) She pushes all the way up on her hands as well.
I forgot to add this video to the last post. It's of Emma's first strawberry apple banana baby food :)
She has really been enjoying her baths! She can hold the cup & "drink" out of it (even though it's empty) just like mommy & daddy :)
Here's a video of bath time & her playing with the cup!
Emma has been sleeping a lot since she hasn't been feeling well! She sure does love her Minnie Mouse's!
This was on Thursday before her doctor's appointment. She was feeling so badly, she fell asleep sitting next to me on the couch while I was feeding Paxton (and he was screaming), poor baby!
Then on Friday morning (April 13th) we got up & left for Abilene. Colton had to go to Ft. Worth to take the FE exam (Fundamentals of Engineering), so he dropped Emma, the pups, & me off in Abilene with my parents. Then Emma, the pups, my parents, and their pups headed off to my grandparents' farm (my mom's parents), that is just outside of Wichita Falls, for the weekend to celebrate Granddaddy's 80th birthday (which was April 7th). Yup, lots of traveling. With a sick & cranky baby.
The dogs had a pretty rough trip as well... :)
Reading a book with Grandmommy before bed Friday night
Saturday afternoon nap with Auntie Lisa
Granddaddy's 80th birthday dinner at McBride's Steak House in Wichita Falls
The boys' end of the table
Kisses from Pops!
Slideshow & cake at the farm after dinner
Colton drove to Wichita Falls after his test was over and made it in about 8:00 or so. He was just in time for the slideshow & cake! We were very excited to see him :)
Singing happy birthday & cutting the cake!
Sunday afternoon before we loaded up & headed back to Lubbock, I took some pictures of Emma Claire in one of their fields that had a ton of Indian Paint Brush in it! It was so pretty!
Andddd there went the bow...
Posing with Granddaddy & Grandmommy on the way back up to the house
Napping in the car on the way home
And she woke up in a good mood!
Such a cutie pie :)
We had a wonderful weekend at the farm with everyone!
What a beautiful baby girl! Blessings to all! Mixy and all