Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Sick Baby!!

We have had a rough past week! We discovered Emma had another tooth come in that we didn't know about (next to her bottom left front tooth), & both of her top front teeth are trying to come in, so she was cutting 3 teeth at once. No wonder we've been having such a rough time with teething this time around! Emma also had a very high fever late Thursday afternoon (it peaked at 103 Thursday night) and she was just feeling awful, so we took her to the doctor on Friday, and she had a viral infection and tonsillitis (which she kindly shared with me)! Poor baby! They tested her for Strep, but luckily that came back negative. We had a lot of trouble keeping her temperature below 101 like the doctor wanted, and we had to alternate giving her ibuprofen & acetaminophen every 3 hours. She finally seems to be doing better as of yesterday (we went all day with no tylenol & no fever, yay!). She is still kind of cranky & very tired, which I'm sure has a bit to do with still teething, and recovering from being sick.

Here's some pictures from before she got sick!
Playing with Daddy

Emma is still loving being outdoors! She just toddles all over the place :)

Reading her favorite book (upside down)!

Emma loves to talk on the phone! In these pictures she was talking to Pops!

Emma really enjoys playing with the dogs! And so do the dogs! She gets their toys & waves them around until one latches onto it, and then they play tug-of-war! It's so cute :)

Emma's first time eating chicken & dumplings (Colton's favorite meal)! She liked it so much we couldn't get her to look up & smile for the camera, haha!

We got Emma a pearl necklace to wear with one of her birthday outfits, and I had her start wearing it to get used to it before her pictures this coming Saturday. She LOVES it, and decided she needs to wear a necklace everywhere she goes. She gets upset when we make her take them off to go to sleep :)

Yes, those are HeartGuard stickers from our dogs' heart worm prevention medicine...haha! We finished their pack, & I never use the reminder stickers they give you for your calendar, so Emma got to play with them! Don't be fooled by that face...she thought they were lots of fun & wore them around the rest of the day (even to pick up Daddy from the car place while he was getting new brakes)!

Sick Emma before we left for her doctor's appointment Friday...I had to wake her up from a nap, and she was not pleased with me!

Waiting at the doctors office. This girl did not feel well!

Later that afternoon MiMi & Pops came to visit for the weekend! They were already planning to come, so they decided to come anyway & cheer up Emma & I since we were sick. They brought her a pink necklace & bracelets, a new toy, and this table & chairs (which used to be my cousin, Colin's)! That definitely perked her up! :)

MiMi & Pops had to make a trip to the Choc'late Mousse: Pie Bar while they were in town, of course! And they bought Emma her very own Oreo pie bite! Spoiled girl! That perked her up even more!

Emma decided she felt well enough for us to go on our evening walk.

Later that night she passed out, and slept hard while we watched a movie. Unfortunately we didn't get to go out anywhere since Emma & I were sick, but we still managed to have some fun at home!

Emma & Pops playing

Emma & Pops reading her favorite book!

Goofy girl! (I don't remember how she ended up naked all of the sudden...haha)

Emma & MiMi. Emma was very tired & wanting MiMi to snuggle her so she could go back to sleep!

Sunday evening we made a "fort" under the coffee table. Emma thought it was neat, but I think Daddy & the dogs spent more time in it than she did! :)

 Sleepy little sick girl!

Playing with Raider, who was pouting since Sugar & Max (my parents' dogs) had left him.

Monday morning playing on the back porch with the puppies (yes, she had to have her necklace on even though she was only in her diaper)!

Having a snack & watching Mickey Mouse

Yesterday afternoon Uncle Parker & Aunt Mindy came over to watch Emma while Mommy had to go to the doctor & Daddy was at work. They sure must have worn her out, because as soon as they left she passed out in Daddy's lap! We also met them later on for dinner at Chili's, & Emma ate about 5 or 6 lemons while we were there. That girl loves her lemons! haha!

Here's Emma this morning, passed out!

And here are some videos I took this morning of Emma walking all over the place, and just being a goofball!! :)

She's really gotten the hang of walking! She spends her days walking all over the place & trying to get into things she's not supposed to have! Oh, the life of an 11 month old :)

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