Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Emma is 11 Months Old!!!

We can't believe Emma turned 11 months old yesterday! We are now on the countdown to her 1st birthday, which is just plain CRAZY!! I guess it's time to start planning that 1st birthday party!! :) 
  • We estimate her to be around 23 lbs now, but she doesn't go back to the doctor until next month to get her official stats :) 
  • Emma is now walking all over the place! She is still so proud of herself, and so are we! 
  • We have had a rough past month now with her teething. The past week has been the worst though! Her teething has been causing her to have some pretty yucky diapers for about a week now, that leak all over the place & have caused her to get a terrible diaper rash! Poor girl is having a very rough time with this newest tooth, way worse than when she got the bottom two. That top front left tooth is just about here though, luckily! We are all exhausted from too many sleepless nights to count, so hopefully we are almost there! 
  • Emma is still wearing size 4 diapers, and is wearing size 12 month clothes. We are buying all of her fall/winter clothes in 12-18 month, and in fact the leopard skirt she is wearing below is an 18-24 month! It really depends on the brand/style of clothes which size we get. Her newest shoes are  toddler size 5's (and they have a bit of growing room).
  • She is still drinking 6 oz of formula about 4 times a day, and eating baby food. We are still working on table food, but it's difficult when you only have 2 teeth :)
  • Emma has been waking up anywhere from 3-5 times a night for the past month, thanks to her teething! She doesn't take a morning nap, but takes a 2-3 hour nap every afternoon. I start trying to get her to sleep as soon as Colton leaves to head back to work from his lunch break, so around 1 o'clock. She usually goes to bed at night between 8:30-9:30 & wakes up for the morning between 7:30 & 8:00, but yesterday morning she slept in until 10:30, and today she slept in until 10:00, so I'm hoping this is a new 11 month old thing, but I guess we'll see ;)

Here she is modeling her newest outfit! She LOVES the hat! :)

Uncle Parker's 21st birthday was last Friday (Sept. 14th), so we had a little party for him Thursday night. The cheesecake was too frozen to stick a candle in, so we had to use a pumpkin bread muffin :)

Friday night Emma went to Parents' Night Out at the church for the first time! I think she had fun, & Colton & I got to have a date night! :)

Emma eating breakfast one morning (I think it was cherries & oatmeal).

A bit blurry, but she had her breakfast all over her face!

Colton's official EIT (engineer in training) certificate came in the mail last week! Emma & I are so proud of him :)

Emma tried to head out the door for a walk with no pants on...silly girl!

Nap time!
Emma's new favorite toy is this dolly. She carries her around with her everywhere & snuggles with her at bedtime :)

Waiting for Daddy to walk through the door for lunch! She gets so excited when he gets home :)

Napping in her swing (which she is too big for!) & cuddling with one of mommy's rolls of tulle...she got into my sewing materials! :P

Big G & Lana came to visit on Saturday & Sunday, and we all got to go back to the Texas Tech game & sit in the box seats again Saturday night!

Posing before the game (Emma would not look at the camera)!

Emma watching for the fireworks they shoot off every time Tech scores. She thinks they're pretty awesome (and so do I)!

Cheering with Daddy

Sitting with Lana & Big G & snacking on some cheetos

Colton & me

Who knows what Emma had in her hand...haha!

Emma had a lot of fun again at the game! The weather has gotten pretty cool here on a fairly regular basis, so we were bundled up for the game! (When I say cool, I think it was in the mid-upper 60s at the game ;) )

There was a beautiful sunset above the stadium at halftime!

Back at home after the game with Big G

And with Momma :)

 Sunday lunch at On the Border...She loved looking out the window behind our booth!

Watching football with Daddy Sunday night while wearing her new pearls & chewing on mommy's phone :)

Emma has learned how to open her containers of Gerber "Puffs" & "Cheetos!" She uses those two bottom teeth to pop those lids right off, and then spill her snacks everywhere! She is very proud, as you can tell :)

Watching Monday night football with Daddy last night.
"No pictures tonight Momma" haha!

 Eating her Cheetos she opened by herself again this morning. Notice Raider waiting for her to give him some! She always shares with her puppies. She's a sweetie like that :)

That's all for this week! That doesn't seem like very many pictures...I guess I got used to the millions of pictures that needed to be posted when I was only posting about once a month! :)

We hope everyone has a great week!

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