Monday, April 22, 2013

Bluebonnets 2013!

So Emma hasn't been very good about posing for pictures fact she usually just screams her head off until we give up (definitely what happened when we tried to take pictures of her for our Easter card...which reminds me, I STILL haven't mailed those out...oops)! So we decided instead of paying a photographer like we did last year, we would just try to take a few pictures ourselves. We went back to the same spot we took them last year, but there weren't nearly as many bluebonnets this year! But oh well, because of course, Emma decided to actually smile for these! I guess we should have hired a photographer so they would have been better quality photos (i.e. her face wouldn't have been in the shadows)! Who knew :P

We started off with a few good ones! 

And then came the screaming...

So Daddy stepped in to cheer her up. I think the pictures of them actually came out really cute!

Then Daddy left, and the screaming began again. We finally had to have Daddy & MiMi go sit in the car because Emma wanted them so badly!

She slowly started to cheer up...

Pointing to where Daddy & MiMi were sitting in the car :)

Then, finally, a smile! Pops was dancing around like a crazy person trying to make her laugh :P

Emma was finally starting to have fun!

Just now noticing the flowers

Little stinker face :)

I wonder what they taste like...

The end! :)

The Past Couple of Weeks!

Emma decided that she & Daddy needed to wear her pants & diaper cover as hats one night while getting ready for bed (luckily they were clean...she pulled them out of a drawer)! :)

We got some more snow! We were so surprised that it snowed again this late in the year! It had all melted by lunchtime though :P

We had to make a trip to Toys'R'Us to get baby Landry a present, & of course Emma found something she just had to have! She absolutely LOVES this bear!

Watching Mickey Mouse on the iPad on the way to Abilene to meet baby Landry (Mommy's cousin, Whitney's, new baby)!

That night we went dancing at Oplin with a lot of our family! It was so dark in there we couldn't get any good pictures though. This was the best one! Emma had sooooo much fun! She danced the night away! :)

Saturday morning we went to the Zoo with everyone! Emma looked so adorable in the sailor outfit Grandmommy & Granddaddy gave her for Christmas :)

Emma wanted to push her stroller instead of ride in it.

Emma & Daddy

Looking at the monkeys with Dylan & Logan (more...2nd?...cousins)!

Some of our group looking at the monkeys. Carter was the only one looking at me! Haha!

Big G & Emma looking at the monkeys. We spent a lot of time looking at these monkeys. They were very entertaining! After we left them Emma called all of the other animals we saw monkeys too! :P

Whitney & Landry! His hat is so cute :)

Emma & Daddy looking at the giraffes

Mommy & Landry!

We had to take our usual picture of the three girl cousins, Jennigale, me, & Whitney (thanks Aunt Cheralyn)!

Emma & MiMi looking at the tiger

Emma loved looking at the ducks & feeding the fish!

Emma finally got tired & decided it would be okay to ride in her stroller. And wear her sunglasses :)

After that we went to Rosas for lunch, and Emma slept through the whole thing! We took her lunch home & she ate it when she woke up later :)

That night we went to hang out with all of the family. Emma had so much fun playing with Carter (another...2nd?...cousin)! She kept giving him hugs!

And she kept trying to help him up the stairs! I think she wanted him to climb up them as badly as he wanted to! He never did quite figure it out though :)

Sitting with Papaw & stealing his potato chips. She sure has her Papaw wrapped around her little finger, he doesn't share his food with just anyone! ;)

Emma fell asleep right before we left their house, and when we put her in her car seat to go back to MiMi's for the night, she curled up in a little ball! She was so exhausted!

Still a bit sleepy the next morning. We went & took pictures in the bluebonnets first thing (pictures in next blog post)!

Then Daddy & Emma had lunch at Grandma & Grandpa's house. Emma passed out on Grandma, & didn't wake up for the ride home. So, she continued her nap in Pops' lap while he watched the Masters :)

Once we finally got Emma to wake up, we went over to Memaw's & Papaw's house to visit with the family some more. We had so much fun hanging out with baby Landry! He is such a cutie!

Emma playing peek-a-boo with Landry & his burp cloth :)

Emma was very interested in Landry, & got a bit jealous when Mommy & Daddy held him ;)

Landry & Papaw! Emma kept bringing each of them coasters...she loves playing with them, so she thought Papaw & Landry would too! Such a sweetie :)

Emma being goofy one day last week!

Emma all reclined in her chair watching Mickey Mouse one morning :)
Unfortunately Emma & Colton have had some type of cold/upper respiratory thing going on since last Tuesday. Emma still has a very runny nose! Hopefully we can get over that this week!

Making faces at Daddy over lunch! They are so goofy!

This past weekend we did nothing but yard work! Emma had so much fun helping pick out the flowers!

These were her very own flowers that she picked out herself. She carried them around the rest of the day until we got them planted :)

 Now we have to show off our hard work :P

My tulip wreath & flower pots I found on Pinterest & made! I love how they turned out :)

Almost finished!

All finished! The extra pots are supposed to be hanging on the back fence, but we ended up having to order the hooks online for that, so they get to sit out front for now until the hooks come in :P

The markers in this bed are for the stargazer lily bulbs we planted. I can't wait for those to come up, they're my favorite flower! :)

Roses on either side of the driveway

Colton tilled up the entire backyard so we could put down grass seed, so we figured while we were at it we might as well build a flower bed back there as well! So here's that bed! We planted gladiolus bulbs across the back row. Hopefully in a few weeks we can post a new picture of the backyard with grass in it and the gladiolus coming up! Yay!! :)

Emma all snuggled up in bed last night! This is just a few of her babies she insists on sleeping with! Haha! And, she actually slept the whole night in her bed (9pm-7:15am)! Yay Emma!