Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sunny Weather!

This past week we have had some wonderful weather! It has been so warm, and not very windy (which is very unusual for Lubbock)! So, we have been taking full advantage. We have been keeping the backdoor open in the afternoons to get some fresh air and let the puppies run in & out when they want, which they love! We have also been going on walks around the neighborhood in the evenings, and grilled out!

Here's Emma & Daddy cuddling one night last week.

This girl is just so cute when she's asleep, we can't help but take pictures! :)

Notice the rock in her right armpit? That was a gift from Raider. He snuck it in from the backyard while I was feeding Paxton & couldn't confiscate it from him. I'm not sure if he was hoping she'd hide it/keep it  safe for him, or that maybe I wouldn't take it away if she had it, or if he was trying to be nice & give her a gift, but it sure was funny!

Emma is very excited about summer coming soon, and so are we! This was Saturday night after going to Abuelo's for Mindy's birthday!

After dinner, everyone (Jared, Hollie, Parker, & Mindy) came over to our house for cheesecake & presents! Here's the video clip of our lovely version of Happy Birthday!

Uncle Jared & Aunt Hollie brought Emma an Easter gift, which she opened all by herself! And yes, we video taped it! :)

Emma tried carrots for the first time Saturday night! Here's the video clip of her first taste:

We took Emma to meet the Easter Bunny for the first time on Sunday afternoon at the Lubbock Mall! So, of course, she had to wear her Easter dress! It came with the hat, but Colton & I didn't just love it...so I made her a bow really quickly before we left!

Here she is with the Easter Bunny! She was so funny! I held her in front of him for a minute before handing her over to him, and she just stared and stared! She kept on staring once she was in his lap too, but the photographer shook a toy that made a loud noise that got her attention and we ended up with a great picture :)

Then later that evening (after a nap for all of us!) we went grocery shopping at Market Street. It was Emma's first time riding in the cart like a big girl instead of in her car seat, and she was so excited!

Emma tried squash for the first time last night! Here's the video clip of her 1st taste of it:

Here's yet another sleeping picture from last night...with what Colton calls "creepy eyes" haha!

Here's Emma and Raider this morning! I was feeding Emma her rice cereal for breakfast, and Raider decided he'd come get in line for a hand out as well :)

Emma taking a nap this morning

She is having so much fun with her bouncer these days! She can really jump in it! We will have to video tape her for the next blog :)

Smiling for the camera!

Emma & Paxton are still getting used to not being the only baby, but they are so cute together! They are very interested in each other. This afternoon they kept grabbing each other's hands, so cute! :)

Emma fell asleep in her swing while we were eating dinner. Then we woke her up to go on a walk (bad parents, "never wake a sleeping baby...", all that...we know)! :P

Like I said earlier, we have been going for walks after dinner! Emma was pretty sleepy tonight, and wasn't enjoying the bright sunshine like we were, but she still looks so darn cute :)

Emma & I have had our Easter pedicures! We (okay, I) decided on pale pink, since that's the color of Emma's Easter dress! Hopefully Emma won't chip her's as fast as she did her St. Patrick's Day pedicure!

Emma & Daddy had a lot of fun tonight! Here's a video clip of them playing together!

Emma tried bananas for the first time tonight! Here's the video clip:

Time for bed! Hope everyone has a great rest of the week!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break!

I know y'all have been dying to see our spring break pictures! ;) Well, here they are!

Out to eat at Chili's after church on Sunday, March 11th (the preschool department had "Pajama Day" since it was daylight savings day)!

Trying out "The Choc'late Mousse Pie Bar" in Lubbock for the first time! It's sooo good! You pick out a crust and filling, and the put it in fun cups! I picked out chocolate graham cracker crust with chocolate mousse filling, and they topped it with their homemade whipped cream! mmmm! Emma was very interested in trying it :) (but we didn't let her, of course!)

On Monday the 12th, the first day of spring break, Emma & I went & picked up Colton from work & took him to lunch! Of course Colton had to take her around his office to show her off a bit on our way though :) On the left she was all ready to go, and on the right, she had fallen asleep at lunch (she wore herself out being veryyy friendly at Colton's office--she wanted everyone to hold her)!

Colton took us out to dinner that night at Olive Garden because we were leaving for Abilene & wouldn't see him for a few days!

She is such a cutie pie! :)

Emma is doing very well with eating "solid" foods! She is now eating rice cereal for breakfast and vegetables for dinner. We are going to start fruits in the next few days!

Here's her first taste of peas!

This is what Emma likes to do when I try to make her sleep in her crib! Goober!

Speaking of goober...haha! This was while we were watching Mickey Mouse Clubhouse!

Sleepy baby all snuggled up in her swing!

 My Mom (MiMi) and Will came to Lubbock on Tuesday the 13th, and then took Emma & me back with them to Abilene on Wednesday. We had a very busy week helping my Mom plan my grandparents' 60th wedding anniversary party. MiMi & I hauled her all over town, and she was such a good sport about it! This was Emma all ready to head to Abilene for the rest of the week (notice Sophie's nose towards the bottom right corner...)!

We made it to Abilene! Pops (my Dad) was trying to get Emma to eat, but she wanted to watch Mickey Mouse! This was her solution!

 She tried sweet potatoes for the first time while we were there! And she loved them!

Here's the video clip of her first taste of sweet potatoes:

This was our family on St. Patrick's Day!

On Sunday afternoon, March 18th, we had my Memaw & Papaw's (my Dad's parents', Dot & C.M.) 60th anniversary reception at their church!

My family with Memaw & Papaw

Memaw & Papaw and 8 of their 10 grandkids (plus 2 spouses on either end)

Memaw & Papaw and the entire family (minus a few that couldn't make it)

Papaw, MiMi, Pops, & Emma
Emma got very tired of meeting people and posing for pictures!

My Dad hired a friend from work who does photography on the side to take pictures at the reception for us so we didn't have to worry about it. He took us outside to get some pictures of Emma as long as we were there! He got some really good ones!

Daddy & Emma

All 3 of us! It was super windy, so my hair kept messing up all the pictures! We finally gave up on me being in them!

Pops & Emma

Uncle Will & Emma (he should have taken off his sunglasses)!

Here's some great ones of just Emma

 We were all a bit tired by the end of the reception...Colton & Emma fell asleep while we were cleaning up!

Whitney (my cousin) brought Emma a bunch of cute outfits! Emma is modeling one here (except we had already put her bow bag in the car, so her head is naked!!).

This week Paxton's Mommy went back to work, and I am keeping him for her during the day. So far, it is going pretty well!

I think Emma has converted Paxton to a Mickey Mouse fan! :)

Sleepy girl!

Tummy time! Too bad Emma won't stay on her tummy...I don't know how she's ever going to learn to crawl!

Emma & Paxton napping together this morning

Daddy feeding Emma some sweet potatoes tonight (Wednesday, March 21st)!

Messy girl!

Emma after eating sweet potatoes & green beans tonight! Oh my!

Here's how she got so messy!

Reading her new book Aunt Lisa, Uncle Kenny, & Colin sent to her for Easter before bed! 
She loves it :)